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  • ZonderMet wrote:

    I canceled my subscriptions over a year ago. If you pay for support and find out the support team has not been there for a while. How can I explain that to my end customers.
    It's a shame Nethserver 8 isn't a drop in replacement like 7 was.
    If ClearOS would get a reboot, I would test it right away. It had so many unique pros.
    I can't believe it has gone the way of the Dodo because of lack of interest. Let's focus on the side projects. And forget the core.

    My subscription expired this month and I am not going to renew it.
    I am not going to pay if there is no support or service, but neither am I going to pay someone to mismanage and leave their business untouched.

    I agree that NS8 is not as good as NS7, but I will give it time.
    I am currently running Nethsecurity as a firewall and gateway and this works fine.

    At least on the forum, there is activity and support.
    I am willing to pay for this or at least give my support.

    Should there be future ClearOS even then I will no longer support this because the person who will make money from this is not worth it.
    Besides, there is nothing in development yet so it will take at least a year before there is anything

    I have been an active user for over 18 years and find it very unfortunate that it is being handled this way.

  • Michael Proper wrote:

    ClearOS Server is still under active development!

    Currently, the ClearOS Server Portal is being updated from the ground up. Peter, Ben, and others are working on this.

    ClearOS Server development will leapfrog directly from Clear Server OS 7.x to ClearOS Server 9.x and skip the 8.x major release(s) completely, with the IBM acquisition of Redhat and surrounding noise, this was the best path forward.

    ClearOS Mobile 10.x is under current active development and fully supported.

    Please watch for continued updates.

    Special thanks to those who add value for providing community support and seeing the value of the paid support and surrounding team(s).

    I've recieved an email to renew my subscription and after 21 years activally involved with Clarkconnect and ClearOS i came to the conclusion to not renew and pay for my subscription or services any more. I've lost my faith in the management of COS and will move slowely to another distro.
    I'll keep wathing on the forum and will try to help other users.

    Thank you Micheal and all the best with the development of Clear

  • If you read through the threads of this forum, you will see that it's a bad idea to use COS as a server, since it's outdated and unsupported. It used to be a great package, but alas, it is no more.

  • Mick L wrote:

    It looks like Gateway Management updates are now available. Please see this thread.

    Nick is a good guy and knows a lot of COS.
    Nice that he providing this service. Don't expect anything from Clear so for the fee he is giving a good service
    More value for money then Clear is giving us for our subsciptions

  • Still crickets! It is like no one in management cares.

  • Still crickets! It is like no one in management cares.

  • Patrick de Brabander
    Patrick de Brabander replied to a discussion, Plex Problem

    Rohn Shearer wrote:

    I am running, what was installed with COS7. I'm not finding any but the current version on Plex's download page. Very sad to hear there will be no more upgrades to COS. Any suggestions on something similar? Thanks

    Dependin on your system setup.
    If you are running a VM you can easily add a Debian install with Plex (my setup).
    Otherwise is Nethserver 8 an alternative. The only downside is that NS8 is just released and having all the packages (yet)
    If you install NS8 on a Debian platform i think you can install Plex very easy

    Bottom line. COS is unfortunately history

  • Patrick de Brabander
    Patrick de Brabander replied to a discussion, Plex Problem

    Which version of Plex are you using.?
    Current version of Plex are not working properly any more with Centos7, becuase it too old
    Version is the latest which will work with COS7

    Further more COS7 will be EOL soon, so moving to an other distro is to be advised
    Don't expect any update or new version of COS

  • The only updates are antimalware and antispam signatures.
    Further more there no support or updates since a year or so.
    Also will COS 7 EOL in june since it is based Centos 7

    If you read some posts on the forum you will see the discussion on support and updates
    Paying your subscription will have no added value at this moment to my opinion

  • Michael Proper wrote:

    Believe it or not, today marks the first day since July 2022 that $1.00 has been received by ClearCenter or supporting companies for ClearOS Server-related services or support and this message string beginning marks the first time we have seen positive efforts both financially and from a community perspective. Have been waiting to see such positive energy. It would be nice for the negative folks to move on if they don't believe in what ClearOS Server and ClearOS Mobile stand for, dont let the door hit you on the way out and please don't come back to sling negativity.

    We will quietly continue to build the future with like-minded folks who understand what IBM and Centralized Big Tech are doing with many secret combinations to take over identity Systems, Financial Systems, Health Systems, and even Governments.

    You wonder why we don't talk much, it's because most will just think such talk is "conspiracy talk", but in time many will come to understand that true decentralization is key for humanity to gain its identity, voice, and control back.

    We are happy to support your efforts Mark R.! :)

    Thank you for your loyalty and commitment over the years for doing a solid review and comparison and then being willing to be a part of the solution! ClearOS Server will have a future and a bright one at that!

    Much love!


    What a pile of rubbush! My sources say Clearcenter is taking many thousands of USD per month from ClearOS subscriptions. Just none of the money over the last few years has been put back into proper development. It has all been diverted elsewhere. And guess what? It probably no longer can cover the costs of a version update, and Clearcenter are now holding the begging bowl out asking the users to fund ClearOS development, when the development should have been funded out of the subscriptions that have been taken over the last few years.

    ClearOS has not had updates for 18 months and there are an number of critical vulnerabilities which have not been fixed by Clearcenter. I keep my ClearOS up to date and patched for all critical vulnerabilities using the services of the former employee, Nick Howitt. He can be contacted at:I do have to make a small payment for the updates but think it worthwhile to keep my system safe.